The Veg Cities site will close permanently on 1 January 2025.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Veg Cities team.



Harness local powers for more vegetables

Your Council can encourage a thriving, healthy food system from food growing through to food retail using their powers as landowner, local planning authority or licensing authority to support local businesses. They can support businesses to sell more veg, including acceptance of healthy start vouchers. They can promote vegetables and healthier food through the city's advertising space.

So let us know what your Council is doing to get your city growing, cooking, selling, serving and saving more vegetables.

Veg Cities actions

Educate about food waste

Support food waste education through roadshows, workshops and city campaigns and initiatives.

Good advertising

Encourage the best and restrict the worse food adverts.

Grow or cook extra vegetables to donate

Grow or cook extra vegetables to donate to projects and to those most in need.

Improve access to those in most need

Increase the uptake of Healthy Start Vouchers, Rose Vouchers or through other local initiatives.

Include 2 portions of veg in every meal

Include at least 2 portions of veg in every meal in public procurement and out of home sector.

Include access to food in planning

Map and include access to healthy food in planning.

Increase in land area used for growing

Increase in land area used for growing food commercially.

Increase in veg grown for sale

Increase in veg grown for sale into local caterers, restaurants, box schemes and retail.

Monitor and reduce food waste

Initiatives to monitor and reduce food waste with a focus on vegetables.

More veg out of school hours

Improve access to veg for children enrolled in after school or holiday activities.

Promote veg

Use marketing work, social media, healthy eating campaigns or events to promote veg.

Run growing and cooking classes and training

Run growing and cooking classes and training for veg-centred meals.

Set up a new community garden

Set up new community garden in your area.

Set up a veg stand

Set up a veg stand or corner or a food co-op in your workplace or organisation.

Set up network of growing spaces

Set up or expand a network of food growing spaces.

Support healthier food businesses

Support businesses through access to land, training, rate relief or other incentives.

Veg challenges and competitions

Promote competitions and challenges in your organisation, school or workplace.

Veg sessions

Organise assemblies or sessions to educate about the benefits of eating more veg.